decrease among 18-24 year olds


Video length: 1 min

Sexuality of the French: decline among 18-24 year olds

An Ifop survey, published Tuesday February 6, shows that the French are making love less and less, especially young people aged 18 to 24. This is an unprecedented setback. – (franceinfo)

An Ifop survey, published Tuesday February 6, shows that the French are making love less and less, especially young people aged 18 to 24. This is an unprecedented setback.

For 50 years, French sexual activity has never been so low. According to an Ifop survey, 76% of respondents say they have had sex in 2023, compared to 91% in 2006. A historic decline, correlated with the increase in the use of screens. “People continue to have a sexual life but often individually, that is to say through the massive consumption of pornography.”, explained Thérès Hargot, a sexologist.

More and more asexual French people

A finding that is all the more worrying among 18-24 year olds: one in four young people admit to not having had sexual intercourse in 2023. There are five times more of them than five years ago. One of the main causes? The pressure linked to pornography. Another cause: a better relationship with consent. For example, women force themselves less to make love, 52% say they accept sex without wanting to, compared to 76% forty years ago. Finally, more and more French people say they are asexual, with 12% admitting to not having any sexual attraction to others.

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