Decoration recovery | Écoscéno puts its activities on hold

Écoscéno interrupts its decor recovery and sales activities, for lack of a long-term agreement for its public funding. Its online store and warehouse will be closed from Friday, the management of the social economy company announced.

The company recovers theater, television and film sets to put them back into circulation – so that they are not sent to landfill sites.

Écoscéno inaugurated its online store two years ago and occupies part of the warehouse at Théâtre Jean-Duceppe, in Montreal’s east end. Theater management and film and series producers have since adopted its services.

But the company is still looking for a long-term agreement with the three levels of government, which provide 50% of its funding. She hopes to find an agreement by the next cultural return, in the fall of 2023.

Ecodesign services — to ensure that all the materials used are recoverable at the end of production — are however maintained. Training in a museum environment, in particular, must take place in December and February.

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