declared candidates present their wishes to the French


Article written by

H. Capelli, A.Bouville, N. Leydier, O. Sauvayre – France 3

France Televisions

The official candidates for the 2022 presidential election presented their wishes to the French. Everyone has their own style, and a message to convey.

The prize for the most original wishes goes to Yannick Jadot, who already imagines himself as a candidate for re-election in 2027. With a touch of humor, he takes stock of his hypothetical actions, in order to send a strong message: environmentalists can rise to power. Marine Le Pen has opted for more classic wishes, targeting his direct competitor, Eric Zemmour. “We must propose to the country a project which is certainly of clearly national inspiration, but which is politically and legally viable”, she said.

Eric Zemmour, he bet on a bust of Napoleon, a few books, and dramatization, believing that 2022 is “the year of the last chance”. Anne Hidalgo and Valérie Pécresse have opted for sobriety. The socialist candidate reiterated her message of union of the left. The wishes are first of all an opportunity to send a message to the candidates, 100 days before the first round of the presidential elections.

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