Decisive entry by Delphine Cascarino, winning return for Eugénie Le Sommer… Les Bleues notes for Hervé Renard’s premiere

The France team overturned a badly embarked party on Friday to win against the Colombians (5-2).

A nice reaction to just over three months of the World Cup. Led by two goals, the France team finally won against Colombia (5-2), Friday, April 7, during a disputed friendly in Clermont-Ferrand. Despite strong opposition offered by the Cafeteras, 26th in the FIFA rankings, several Bleues stood out for the first of Hervé Renard on the tricolor bench. The entries of Grace Geyoro and Delphine Cascarino at the break changed the situation while Eugénie Le Sommer scored for her return.

Pauline Peyraud-Magnin: 4/10

Masked, the blue goalkeeper could not do anything about the opening of the Colombian score by Daniela Arias (36th). The second goal is on the other hand for “PPM”, too short to take out the attempt on a direct free kick from Catalina Usme (50th).

Eve Perisset: 4.5/10

Reduced at the start of the rally, the former Bordelaise went the distance. But less his direct opponent, Linda Caicedo, which often forced Elisa De Almeida to lend him a hand. The overflowing activity of Delphine Cascarino on her right wing slightly overshadowed her after the break.

Elisa De Almeida: 4.5/10

The PSG defender also struggled to contain Linda Caicedo. On the first hot action of the South Americans, the Real Madrid striker played with her to overflow on the left of the French surface (15th). Better in the second period, she countered a dangerous strike (82nd) ​​but also lacked commitment on the set phases.

Wendie Fox: 4/10

For the first of her namesake on the tricolor bench, the French captain defended very high. Result, good interceptions to his credit. But also its share of errors. Moved physically as rarely by Mayra Ramirez, Wendie Renard was overtaken by the Colombian and conceded the fault which brought the second opposing goal (50th).

Selma Bacha: 6/10

The nugget from Lyon delivered an interesting part in Auvergne. In addition to a saving return to remove a goal ball from her direct opponent (15th), Selma Bacha multiplied the races in her lane and eliminated by dribbling like a good overflow (79th). His centers would still have deserved more precision. Replaced by Laurina Fazer for her first in blue (89th).

Kenza Dali: 3.5/10

Often lost in midfield and rarely found by her partners, the Aston Villa player had a difficult evening. Its too lax marking on the free kick for the opener cafetera cost his team dearly (36th). Replaced by Oriane Jean-François (76th).

Sandie Toletti: 5.5/10

The Madrid midfielder lit the first wick on the Blue side (7th) and could have been credited with an offering if Amel Majri had converted his opportunity in the first period (30th). Less visible during the second act, she still saved a ball on her line (83rd).

Amel Majri: 6/10

Rather to her advantage on the meadow, the first Frenchwoman to bring her baby to the selection signaled herself from the start by passing close to obtaining a penalty (2nd). Mobile in the midfield, she launched Eugénie Le Sommer in depth on the first big French alert (20th). Grace Geyoro (8/10) replaced her at the break for a solid performance punctuated by good returns but above all by an assist and the fifth French goal (90th + 1).

Viviane Asseyi: 4/10

Passed close to opening the scoring on a set piece (40th), Viviane Asseyi came out at the break after 45 awkward minutes. Entrance in its place, Delphine Cascarino (8.5/10) was the player of the match. Directly bringing danger with her speed, the Lyonnaise put Les Bleues back on track by scoring a few seconds after the second Colombian goal (51st). She even ends the meeting with a double (73rd) and a caviar deposited on the skull of Le Sommer.

Eugenie Le Sommer: 8/10

Back to the blue planet after two years of absence, the Le Sommer rocket made a successful landing. The one who had been put in the closet by Corinne Deacon has stalled a lot to offer solutions to her partners. The top scorer in the history of the selection even took the opportunity to register her 87th and 88th achievements in three minutes thanks to a beautiful volley (56th) and an angry header (59th). Replaced by Sakina Karchaoui (62nd), setter this evening.

Sandy Baltimore: 3.5/10

Little to his advantage before his half-time exit, Sandy Baltimore tried to get deep but never found himself in a striking position. Her replacement, Clara Mateo (7/10), made a much better impression. After her recovery passed over the frame (65th), the Parisian offered her goal to Grace Geyoro.

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