After 16 days in theaters, the sentimental comedy December 23written by India Desjardins and directed by Miryam Bouchard, exceeded the million dollar mark at the box office, in addition to being at the top of the charts in Quebec since last week.
Virginie Fortin, Bianca Gervais, Catherine Brunet, Guylaine Tremblay, Christine Beaulieu, Stéphane Rousseau and Michel Barrette are part of the cast of this Christmas film which recounts a particularly chaotic day during the holiday season, inspired by the life of India Desjardins .
India Desjardins, Miryam Bouchard and producer Guillaume Lespérance will also be at Cineplex Brossard, this Tuesday at 6:50 p.m., for a special performance on December 23 followed by a question period from the public. Tickets are already on sale.