Decathlon continues to supply Russia, reveals a Disclose investigation


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War in Ukraine: Decathlon continues to supply Russia, reveals a Disclose investigation

In March 2022, several major Western brands, including Decathlon, announced that they would cease their activities in Russia. According to revelations from the media Disclose, the sports giant continued to deliver clothes there, via a shell company in Dubai. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – O. Longueval, L. Krikorian, O. Sauvayre

France Televisions

In March 2022, several major Western brands, including Decathlon, announced that they would cease their activities in Russia. According to revelations from the media Disclose, the sports giant continued to deliver clothes there, via a shell company in Dubai.

On the shelves of a sports store in Moscow (Russia), many items from the Decathlon brand. The company had, however, announced that it would cease the sale of its products in March 2022. On sneakers, the date of June 26, 2023 seems to indicate a recent importation of goods onto Russian soil, which is confirmed by a seller on site.

Products pass through Singapore and Dubai

An investigation by the media Disclose reveals a complex delivery system between the French company and the local buyer of the stores. According to the media, a subsidiary of Decathlon in Singapore buys the goods from an Asian supplier. From there, the products would be sent to Dubai, at the request of the Russians, according to Decathlon, before landing in Moscow.

Decathlon wanted to hide its deliveries to Russia at all costs. (…) Even internally, employees are not allowed to use the word Russia, they have to use a code name, Sports R, R for Russia“, comments Pierre Leibovici, journalist and author of the Disclose investigation. The company, for its part, speaks of a transition period. When contacted, it did not wish to communicate the duration.

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