Debates on the vaccine pass, the rules of teleworking and their control … Elisabeth Borne’s 8:30 am franceinfo

Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Labor, Employment and Integration, was the guest of 8:30 am franceinfo on Tuesday January 4. She answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Jean-Jérôme Bertolus.

The vaccination pass voted “as soon as possible”

The day after the suspension of the debates in the National Assembly on the bill establishing a vaccination pass, after a vote by show of hands, Elisabeth Borne judge “appalling to see the Republican deputies allying themselves with France Insoumise and the National Rally to obstruct the adoption of a text which proposes measures to deal with the outbreak of the epidemic.”

The Minister of Labor mentions “words that sow doubt on the interest of vaccination” pronounced by elected Republicans. She promises that the text will be adopted during the month of January: “We will do our utmost to keep as closely as possible to the planned schedule, because there is an emergency.”

The three days of teleworking are “an average”

Asked about the new protocol governing teleworking, Elisabeth Borne specifies that “When we say three days of teleworking per week, we must be able to accept that some can do a little less, and others a little more”. The minister evokes “an average”. “I will tell the labor inspectorate to be pragmatic”, she adds.

5,000 checks per month

On the subject of controls, Elisabeth Borne wants to go from 1,000 controls per month to 5,000. Faced with criticism from employers, the Minister explains that these sanctions are “in the general interest” : “It is normal that the few companies that do not play the game can be sanctioned quickly. It will be targeted on controls related to Covid rules and limited in time.”

Eliminate “moments of conviviality” in business

Finally, concerning the rules of life at work in full epidemic outbreak, Elisabeth Borne warns: “Very clearly, we must eliminate all the moments of conviviality. We must avoid meeting up with several people when we remove the mask. So we go back to drink our coffee at our workstation.”

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