Video length: 3 min
Eurozapping: debates on migration control in Germany
Eurozapping: debates on migration control in Germany
Like every evening, the 11pm news report takes a look at the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s the Eurozapping of Wednesday, September 11.
In Germany, heated debates on migration control. Olaf Scholz was angry on Wednesday, September 11, in Parliament. On Tuesday, the CDU conservatives slammed the door on negotiations to implement border controls. “Leading is not standing on a barricade shouting with a raised fist.”said the German Chancellor. “Leading is being able to persuade your people to compromise, that’s leadership!”he added. There is no question of giving up, we must push back the far right of the AfD. It was a hit in Thuringia and Saxony after the attack in Solingen.
On RAI, the last leg of the papal journey. After a mass that brought together more than 600,000 faithful in East Timor, Pope Francis landed in Singapore on Wednesday, September 11. This is the last leg of a 12-day, 33,000-kilometer journey where the 87-year-old pontiff appeared in great shape. In the city-state of 6 million inhabitants, Christians are barely 19%, but religious tolerance is the order of the day, a message that the pope has constantly hammered home.