Debate between two towers with Antoine Villedieu (RN) and Bruno Kern (LREM) on France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard

Political debate this Friday April 5 on France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard between the two representatives in the North Franche-Comté of the candidates Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron for the second round of the presidential election.

You have 10 days left to make your choice for the second round of the presidential election, on April 24. Until then, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are on the ground to try to convince. Their representatives in the regions are also mobilizing. Bruno Kern, referent of La République En Marche for the Territory of Belfort and Antoine Villedieu, departmental delegate of the National Gathering of Haute-Saône confronted their positions in a presidential special debate between two rounds live on France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard this Friday, April 15. Here’s what to take away from this debate.

Climate of violence in the countryside between two towers

It is a climate that can be explained. We had five years of Macron government which despised the French, insulted them, did not listen to them – Antoine Villedieu

If precisely, it is violence that results from Emmanuel Macron, I do not see why RN activists come to Marine Le Pen’s meetings for them too, to put violence. So it’s more of a general expression – Bruno Kern

Purchasing power, at the heart of the campaign

You have on one side Robin des Bois, that is to say the one who will puncture the poor to give to the rich, embodied by Emmanuel Macron. Marine Le Pen is now proposing to reduce VAT from 20 to 5.5% – Antoine Villedieu

With Marine Le Pen’s VAT at 5.5%, it’s an increase of 150 to 200 euros in the electricity bill. And with the closure of Emmanuel Macron’s prices, it’s no longer 30 or 40 euros – Bruno Kern

Pensions, big point of disagreement between Macron and Le Pen

Difficult jobs will be taken into consideration according to individual situations and they will be able to retire earlier – Bruno Kern

The position on Emmanuel Macron’s retirement is inhuman. With Marine Le Pen those who will have 40 annuities, will be able to leave at 60 – Antoine Villedieu

Mélenchonist voters will be decisive for the second round

“We must tell them that they are Republicans, Democrats and that they cannot leave power to someone who wants to set up a system that will lead us to disaster – Bruno Kern

“I simply tell them to look at the last five years with Macron, with measures contrary to the semantics of Mélenchon – Antoine Villedieu

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