deaths, hospitalizations, age of the sick… Follow the evolution of the epidemic in France and around the world

To give you day after day a complete vision of the progression of the state of the pandemic linked to the coronavirus in France and in the world, we provide you with a series of maps and graphs updated daily.

Situation in France at

  • Daily new cases


    Seven-day smoothed average
    Tendency over the last week.

  • Current hospitalizations


    Tendency over the last week

  • Accumulated deaths


    Hospitals and nursing homes

  • Share of population vaccinated


    That is 0 people
    Based on the number of people who received a complete vaccination schedule, excluding the booster dose.

The Covid-19 epidemic in France

The health situation at the national level

The numbers of cases, tests, hospitalizations and deaths are the main indicators for monitoring the epidemic at the national level. To avoid bias linked to daily variations, moving averages over seven days are calculated.

The local health situation

To follow the evolution of the epidemic in the territories, the authorities rely on the incidence rate, that is to say the number of new cases over a week per 100,000 inhabitants. The alert threshold is reached when the incidence exceeds 50.

Vaccination against Covid-19

The situation at national level

Vaccination against Covid-19 began at the end of December 2020. The number of people who received at least one dose, a full vaccination schedule and a booster dose, as well as vaccination rates by region and by age group, are the main indicators for monitoring the vaccination campaign.

The situation in the world

To follow the progress of vaccination in the world, the Our World in Data project, from the British University of Oxford, compiles data published by governments. It is thus possible to compare the percentage of the population vaccinated by country.

The Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and worldwide

The health situation in Europe

The new contaminations and their variation over a week make it possible to follow the epidemic dynamics in the countries of Europe. Comparisons between states, on the other hand, can be biased due to differences in screening policies.

The health situation in the world

At the global level, the number of deaths of people with Covid-19 is the most reliable indicator for comparing the impact of the pandemic according to continents and countries, although doubts exist concerning the figures communicated by certain countries, including China.


Journalists: Brice Le Borgne and Mathieu Lehot

Editorial supervision: Carole Bélingard and Audrey Cerdan

Technical supervision: Cédric Nilly and Michael Dalbosco

Design and production: Rachid Ben Bella, Eric C., Stéphane Jeanneau, Mathieu Lehot, Romain Pennacchio, Renaud Tardivon

Proofreading: Camille Caldini

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