The deputy La France insoumise from Seine-Saint-Denis was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday March 19, 2024.
Reading time: 26 min

Alexis Corbière, LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis and member of the Committee on Cultural Affairs and Education at the National Assembly, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday March 19, 2024. Mortar fire from artifice at La Courneuve, controversy at Sciences Po, Bruno Le Maire’s call for the end of the “welfare state”… He answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Death of Wanys: “17 deaths since 2022, this is unacceptable”
Alexis Corbière is not “not anti-cop”but wonders about the “brutal police culture in relation to our population” and especially “our youth”. He reacts to the death of Wanys, an 18-year-old young man from La Courneuve, hit on a scooter by a police vehicle after refusing to comply in Aubervilliers on Wednesday March 13.
“17 deaths since 2022 during a police check, this is unacceptable”denounces the deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis. “Police officers will do a better job when there is calm and a better understanding of how the police work,” says Alexis Corbière, for whom the police work “sometimes in conditions that do not conform to my idea of ethics and police work”.
🔴 Shooting at the La Courneuve police station ➡️ “I do not accept that we degrade a police station or attack a police officer,” declares Alexis Corbière.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) March 19, 2024
Controversy at Sciences Po: “why not” a parliamentary inquiry
“Let there be an investigation” parliamentary on anti-Semitism in higher education” in France, as requested by Crif after the controversy at Sciences Po Paris, “why not”, “it’s okay with me”declares Alexis Corbière.
“Anyone who is insulted by racist or anti-Semitic words must be severely punished”insists the MP who considers the government’s reaction disproportionate: “that on the basis of things not completely stabilized, immediately, Gabriel Attal arrives at Sciences Po, there is a problem”.
🔴 Sciences-Po ➡️ “Without forgetting what happened on October 7 […] We have the right, when there are 30,000 deaths, and an international court of justice speaks of a genocidal risk, when we are 20 years old and studying, to say no,” believes Alexis Corbière.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) March 19, 2024
Gaza: we must “immediately stop” selling weapons to Israel
Asked about the war between Israel and Hamas, Alexis Corbière believes that “when the International Court of Justice tells us that there is a genocidal risk” it’s necessary “stop immediately” to sell weapons to the Israeli government. It’s a “diplomatic leverage”according to the deputy.
“Can’t we say ‘we stop relationships of this type’?”asks the elected official while Netanyahu’s government commits “the irreparable” in Gaza.
“What is the welfare state? It’s public services”
Alexis Corbière lost his temper against Bruno Le Maire who called on Sunday in an interview with Sunday Newspaper to put an end to it “the welfare state” to replace it with “the protective state”. “If he hates the State, let him do something else, let him go to the private sector”the MP replied dryly.
“He wants to weaken the statebelieves Alexis Corbière. What is the welfare state? It’s public services.”, replied the LFI deputy. The Minister of the Economy stated in the JDD that “free everything, for everyone, all the time, is untenable”. The elected official from Seine-Saint-Denis brushes aside the argument of the strong man from Bercy: “Nothing is free. We pay taxes, it’s public money”.
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Tuesday March 19, 2024: