Death of Valérie Benguigui: What becomes of her widower and father of her children?

September 2, 2013, Valérie Benguigui – who is to be found this evening on your screens in the comedy Italian on NRJ12 alongside Kad Merad – died at just 47 years of age from breast cancer. A tragic disappearance, which brought together many stars during his burial in the Montparnasse cemetery, including his sidekick in the film First name (which is originally a play): Patrick Bruel.

She fought so hard… She announced her illness to us during the performances of the First name. We went through this magnificent adventure, the play and the film, with this dark cloud”, he remembered. A work that will have enabled the native of Oran to win the César award for Best Supporting Actress, in February 2013, a few months before the tragedy.

Change of direction

César is also the first name of one of her children, born of her union with Éric Wapler, whom she had married on

He was previously an actor, a profession which was at the origin of his meeting with Valérie Benguigui since they were both registered at Cours Florent, but which he gradually dropped. “He gave up acting, which he considered too hard, too random. Thanks to him, I was able to devote myself to my passion without worrying about money”, explained the actress in 2010 during an interview with Current wife.

He will still have had the opportunity to show all his talent before his reconversion, since he made a few remarkable appearances on the big screen, whether in the film field of honor, or in comedies how beautiful you are and A man in a hurry.

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