Death of Uncle David: his children cheated by crooks, they file a complaint

We would like to tell you more about the current state of the Un Job ou Un Biz album project that Tonton David was preparing (…) Some people wanted to take advantage of this hasty departure to take advantage of the situation. To be clear, we have filed complaints against people who have, in our opinion, imitated the signing of Uncle David and thus produced fake contracts for the last album. So we are talking about forgery and uses of forgery. ”they wrote.

Individuals have thus attempted to “to appropriate“the last album of Uncle David, not hesitating to present itself as”decision makers“of this beautiful project.”These people did not respect the vision / direction of the real project, that of the artist, that of Tonton David. And that’s what they tried to make us believe …“says the press release.

Furious against these crooks who could have soiled the memory of Uncle David, his former manager, Jérémy, told the newspaper The Parisian that the 60,000 euros collected thanks to the online jackpot created by his children were fortunately not diverted. “The complaints relate to contracts, in no case to embezzlement. The trouble is, these legal proceedings have to be settled before the record is released. And it might take a little while“he indicated.

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