Death of Thomas in Crépol: “These young people from the city came to plant white people”, says Jordan Bardella, president of the RN


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13 mins

Death of Thomas in Crépol: “These young people from the city came to plant white people”, says Jordan Bardella, president of the RN

Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally (RN), was the guest of “Quatre Vérités” on France 2, Monday November 27. – (France 2)

Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally (RN), was the guest of “Quatre Vérités” on France 2, Monday November 27.

After the death of Thomas on the night of November 18 to 19, killed during violent attacks which took place at the end of a ball in Crepol (Drôme), political reactions continue to flow. “What happened a few days ago is a drama which is intended to be an expression of the daily terror experienced by millions of French people in our country”said Jordan Bardella in the “Quatre Vérités” on France 2, Monday November 27.

Claiming to base himself on the words of witnesses to the tragedy, the president of the National Rally (RN) asserted : “These young people from the city, who behaved like predators, came to plant white people and came to plant young people.” As a reminder, the public prosecutor of Valencia, Laurent de Caignyindicated that the motives have not yet been established and that at this stage of the investigation, the racist motive has not been accepted.

“I do not tolerate recovery lawsuits”

“In our country there is a hatred that is growing among a part of the youth, largely from immigration, who behave in France like nationals of a foreign state, who hate, detest and fight everything which represents France from near or far, and which does not find an authoritarian State facing it”continued Jordan Bardella.

Returning to the accusations of political exploitation of this tragedy, the president of RN has indicated : “I do not condone clawback lawsuits.” He added that these trials “are there to hide reality”and “usually they are used by those who have moral responsibility for the situation.”

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