Death of Thomas in Crépol: in the village, the emotion is still raw


Video length: 3 min

Death of Thomas in Crépol: in the village, the emotion is still raw

On the night of November 18 to 19, Thomas, a 16-year-old boy, was stabbed to death during a ball in the village hall of Crépol, in Drôme. Nine suspects have been indicted, but the perpetrator of the fatal stabbing has not been formally identified. – (France 2)

On the night of November 18 to 19, Thomas, a 16-year-old boy, was stabbed to death during a ball in the village hall of Crépol, in Drôme. Nine suspects have been indicted, but the perpetrator of the fatal stabbing has not been formally identified.

HAS Crepol (Drôme), more than two months after the events, the investigation seals are still affixed to the village hall where the tragedy took place. From time to time, some residents leave a few flowers at the entrance. Thomas was 16 years old. On the night of November 18 to 19, the teenager was stabbed to death during a village ball. A brawl of rare violence had broken out. The small town of 550 inhabitants was then plunged into stupor and the fear.

An immense trauma in his rugby club

Wednesday February 7, the excitement is still strong in the village. It was in Romans-sur-Isère (Drôme), 15 km from Crépol, that the teenager went to school and played rugby. Among his teammates, around fifteen were present at the evening. The trauma is still immense. The rugby club ensures the psychological monitoring of these young people, to help them overcome the ordeal. Romans-sur-Isère is still seeking appeasement, because the drama has caused a lot of tension in the town. Nine suspects were indicted: six adults and three minors. More than a hundred hearings were conducted. To date, the perpetrator of the fatal stabbing has not been formally identified.

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