Death of the Queen of England | The PQ invites the media to offer a “fair” space to the campaign

(Mont-Laurier) Paul St-Pierre Plamondon invites the media to create “a fair space” between coverage of the election campaign and the ceremonies surrounding the death of Queen Elizabeth II, which will last a good ten days.

Posted at 3:52 p.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

The PQ leader asked the media to find the right balance between their coverage of the death of the Queen of England and the general elections in Quebec.

“Between the death, certainly sad, of a sovereign of a foreign country and the decision of the people of Quebec as to their future directions for the next four years, I think we have to make allowances,” said indicated Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, during a press scrum in Mont-Laurier, Saturday.

He then explained that the death of the queen had not upset the plans of the Parti Québécois campaign. The PQ will also campaign on the day of the funeral, September 19. The date was confirmed on Saturday.

“Once every four years, we can discuss the future we want… In just 36 days. There won’t be any wasted days and I hope the media will be able to do the fair share,” declared Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon, who will notably present his financial framework in the coming days.

I invite the media to create […] a fair space for the most part. The main thing is our election at home, here in Quebec, on a democratic basis.

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, leader of the Parti Québécois

The latter indicated that he had not yet had the opportunity to dwell on the media space currently occupied by the death of the queen and the accession to the throne of Charles III. The streaming news networks have aired several specials, the newspapers have published major reports since Thursday, which inevitably reduced the media visibility of the election campaign.

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon promises to return to the campaign on the question of the place of the monarchy in Quebec. Thursday, he was criticized there for having denounced the half-masting of the Fleurdelisé. The leader of the Coalition avenir Québec, François Legault, accused him of playing “petty politics”. Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon admitted that he had “poorly chosen the moment” and that he had had a “too spontaneous reaction”.

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