Death of several poisoned dogs at the final of the French canicross championship

At least three dogs died on Sunday March 12 after being poisoned during the final of the French canicross championship. The event, which took place this weekend in Vauvert in the Gard, has been canceled.

The day was supposed to be festive but turned into a real drama. Three dogs who competed in the final of the French canicross championship died on Sunday March 12 after being poisoned. A fourth is said to be in serious condition.

These poisonings would be linked to a slug product contained in meatballs scattered along the sports course.

An investigation is underway, gendarmes from the Vauvert brigade have been dispatched to the scene. The Federation of Canine Sports and Leisure has announced that it has filed a complaint.

Faced with this tragedy, the races for this Sunday, March 12 have been canceled. “Shocked“, the local association Canicross30 which organized the event has, for the time being, not wished to speak.

On the networks, several associations which participated in this great competition shared their support for the organizers and the masters whose dogs were victims of this malicious act.

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