Death of Queen Elizabeth II: “She loved our culture, our wines, our gastronomy, our art of living”, recalls Jack Lang



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Friday September 9, Jack Lang, former Minister of Culture, is the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2.

Jack Lang, former Minister of Culture, is the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Friday September 9. He returns to the death, Thursday, September 8, of Queen Elizabeth II. In 1992, Jack Lang had it accompanied during a visit to France for three days, and he keeps the memory of “his dignity, his bearing” as well as “his humor, his simplicity”.

“An example that may seem anecdotal: we arrive on the plane to go to Bordeaux (Gironde), the day had been exhausting, (…) and she almost lies down on the plane, takes off her shoes, and she is with us like family “recalls the former Minister of Culture. Jack Lang then indicates that Queen Elizabeth II “spoke French admirably”and had a “very deep knowledge of history” of France. “She loved our culture, our wines, our gastronomy, our way of life. She was very Francophile and very European”he says.

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