Death of novelist Maryse Wolinski

(Paris) The novelist and journalist Maryse Wolinski, widow of the cartoonist Georges Wolinski killed in the attack on Charlie hebdo, died Thursday at the age of 78, her editor, Le Seuil, told AFP.

Born in Algiers, originally from Lot-et-Garonne, she was married for 43 years with the designer who was killed in January 2015. They had a daughter, Elsa.

After a career in the press, starting with South West in Bordeaux and through Sunday Newspaper, She Where The World-Sunday, she devoted herself to literature.

“It was in 1988 that she established herself as a full-fledged novelist, with To hell with Vauvert, his first novel, published by Flammarion: intimacy and secrecy, family life, love (or lack of love) in the couple, so many themes that will form the subject matter of his subsequent novels ”, underlines the Seuil in a statement.

Successes like The master of love (1992), Open letter to men who have understood nothing about women (1993) or The woman who loved men (1998).

After the death of her husband, she devoted three books published by Le Seuil to him, “three poignant stories: Honey I’m Going to Charlie (2016), The taste of the good life (2018), and At the risk of life (2020) ”.

Wednesday, Elsa Wolinski had greeted on Instagram the way her mother, sick, faced her imminent death “with courage and elegance”.

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