Death of Mireille Darc: Alain Delon left her for a famous actress… “She called me”!

This Sunday, August 28, it has been five years since Mireille Darc, emblematic figure of French cinema and ex-wife of Alain Delon, left us at the age of 79. She left behind a rich career of more than 50 years and her husband Pascal Desprez whom she married on June 29, 2002. Her stepson Anthony Delon, who was in promotion for his autobiography entitled Between dog and wolf (Cherche midi editions) during the festival Des livres, des artistes held in Paris last July, paid a vibrant tribute to the actress: “She was a remarkable woman, with intelligence, finesse, who never wanted to take the place of my mother, who was my accomplice and who was also the architect of my father’s life”he confided in remarks reported by Gala .

From 1968 to 1983, Mireille Darc maintained a fusional love story with Alain Delon. A love story between passions and deceptions. In 1981, Alain Delon was the director of the film For the skin of a cop in which played a young actress of 21 years, Anne Parillaud. The 45-year-old actor then fell in love with this young lady. Mireille Darc then becomes a deceived woman, as she told in her biography, Mireille Darc, a free woman (Flammarion editions) released in 2013: “Spontaneously, she established a relationship with me. She (Anne Parillaud) called me to ask me what gift she could give Alain. place. Between Alain and me, now, things are different.”

A relationship of mutual respect between the actress and the actor

For the record, while Alain Delon wanted to have other children after his son Anthony, a heart defect prevented Mireille Darc from having other children at the risk of losing her life. This led to their separation. In the summer of 1983, the 45-year-old actress was the victim of a car accident in a tunnel in the Aosta Valley (Italy) which left her seriously injured with a fractured spine. Alain Delon was one of the first to visit him at the Geneva hospital. Which then marks the beginning of a true friendship as the main concerned pointed out in her bio: “Alain and I will never have dramatic scenes, there will be no broken dishes […] Everything – good and bad – will always happen with great respect for each other.”

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