Death of Micheline Boudet: The moving tribute of Pascal Praud live

Micheline Boudet, member of the Comédie-Française since 1945 and eternal partner of Robert Hirsch, is died on Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at the age of 96. She had become known in particular thanks to her character of Zerbinette in Deceits of Scapin. A piece she has performed several times at the theatre. The Comédie-Française paid tribute to its member: “There is a laugh and a voice that continue to resonate in the memories of those who had the privilege of meeting Micheline Boudet or working with her.

“She was a wonderful actress”

The death of Micheline Boudet was also announced live on the show Time for the pros presented by Pascal Praud on CNews. The presenter paid a vibrant tribute to the late actress. “I received a text message from Jean-Noël Mirande, who is a cultural journalist in the public service, who informed me of the death of Micheline Boudet. She embodies the great tradition of the Comédie-Française, and you know how sensitive we are here to this tradition of the theater (…) We learned this information today. I think it was the last one, Micheline Boudet, still alive and she died. So, I know that her name may not say not much to the younger generation, but she was a magnificent actress. 96 years old and she embodies a golden age of the Comédie-Française even if the troupe is remarkable with people like Thierry Hancisse and Madame Viala who are today today at the Comédie-Française, he pointed out.

Another media personality to have paid tribute to Micheline Boudet, the columnist of TPMPDanielle Moreau who said on Twitter: “How sad, the adorable Micheline Boudet has just left us. Extremely funny maid by Molière and moving Araminte from false confidences, Patrick Bruel made his stage debut alongside him in The Charimari. So much memories“. The columnist also published a snapshot of her with the late Micheline Boudet accompanied by this message: “Memory of a lunch with Micheline Boudet. I keep this privileged moment in memory forever.”

In 2018, Micheline Boudet had lost her son Alain Bertheau, whom she had with Julien Bertheau (1910-1954). They married in 1951 then divorced in 1954. Micheline Boudet was then married to Roland Petit, with whom she divorced in 1998.

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