Death of Marie Trintignant: When Lio accused Bertrand Cantat and evoked a mysterious phone call

In 2003, Marie Trintignant disappeared. The 41-year-old actress succumbed to injuries caused by the numerous blows inflicted on her by her companion at the time Bertrand Cantat. The circumstances of the drama initially remained unclear before the truth finally broke out. When heard, Bertrand Cantat indicated to Justice that an argument had taken place and that it had gone wrong. But her testimony and her behavior caught the ears of many, starting with Lio, a very good friend of Marie Trintignant. In a number ofExclusive inquiry broadcast in 2019, the interpreter of banana split underlined the manipulative and perverse side of Bertrand Cantat, personality traits that she knows well for having herself been the victim of domestic violence in the past. If there is one detail that bothered Lio in the singer’s story, it was the phone call made to Vincent, Marie Trintignant’s brother, on the evening of the tragedy: “It’s interesting. He does not tell her that she has collapsed, that she is in bed and that she is not reacting. He says she’s sleeping, and he knows, you shouldn’t wake Mary when she’s sleeping“.

This call is not the only element that revolted Lio. Bertrand Cantat, according to her, did everything to hide what had really happened to his brother-in-law before his arrival on the scene: “He laid her on the side where she didn’t have the hematoma and he pulled the sheets up to half her face.“. This telltale sign is in addition to the fact that he then prevented Vincent from calling for help by making reassuring words about Marie Trintignant’s condition: “He said he had to let her sleep, that she needed aspirin when she woke up. Since he seemed sincere, I was not particularly worried, especially since there were no traces of blood“Vincent had indicated to justice.

Lio is certain of it, Bertrand Cantat is the typical profile of the violent man who should not be approached. Unfortunately, the damage was already done for Marie Trintignant. On set,his phone was ringing every two minutes“indicated Lio. The actress even preferred to keep her cell phone in her boot to be able to answer at any time, even in full grip, and not to stir up her jealousy. An attitude provoked by Bertrand Cantat: “​​He is sick (…) Narcissistic perverts are dangerous and he gives all the signs of being one” even concluded Lio.

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