Death of Kobe Bryant: his wife Vanessa tormented by the photos of the accident circulating …

It is one of the most significant dramas in the history of sport. January 26, 2020, the basketball legend Kobe bryant, along with her 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, and 7 others are killed in a horrific helicopter crash in California. A real tragedy that shook the world of sport across the planet and left a woman, Vanessa, and her three daughters in unprecedented distress. If the many tributes paid have alleviated the pain, the wife of the athlete who died at 41 years of age continues to suffer in silence in the face of this tragedy.

According to information from the American media TMZ, above all, there is one thing that continues to make her suffer today, the photos taken of the helicopter crash. Reporters were able to access Vanessa’s statement to Los Angeles Police in which she specifically asks the city sheriff to do everything in his power to secure the area. “If you can’t bring my husband and baby back, please make sure no one takes pictures of them “, is it written in the document. A month later she learned that sheriff’s assistants and firefighters shared photos of the bodies of Kobe and Gianna.

I am tormented by thoughts, I wonder who took it and if it is my husband

Information that put Vanessa in all her states, at first furious since she wanted to avoid it at all costs, then in a state of distress and panic by imagining that the photos could leak on the Internet. According to her, at least 20 different people got a copy of these photos and despite the authorities’ assurances that they have all been erased, she continues to have serious doubts. In fact, the widow saw one of the photos that could represent Kobe Bryant at the time of the crash, according to documents from TMZ. “Since I saw this photo, I have been tormented by thoughts, I wonder who took it and if it is really my husband”, she says.

Really angry at the attitude of some who would continue to exchange photos of members of her family, Vanessa Bryant is deeply saddened and only hopes for one thing, that we let her mourn in peace.

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