Death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut: This promise that his daughter Lou made to him shortly before his death

The disappearance of Jean-Pierre Pernaut upsets all of France. The former host of the 13H television news on TF1 died on March 2, 2022 at the age of 71. He leaves behind many viewers who continued to follow him in Jean-Pierre & you on LCI but also and above all his relatives. In particular his four children Julia and Olivier, born of his relationship with his ex-wife Dominique Bonnet, but also Lou and Tom, the fruits of his love with his now widowed wife Nathalie Marquay. All sent him a final farewell during his funeral on March 9 at the Sainte-Clotilde basilica in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. After Tom’s heartbreaking words, “between two sobs, two tears“, it’s Lou Pernaut who spoke.

As revealed by our colleagues from the magazine Gala, currently on newsstands, the 19-year-old brunette slowly walks down the aisle before pulling a sheet out of her pocket. Above, the words of love that she pronounces in tribute to her famous dad. “Your smile will never cease to shine in my heart and your laughter to vibrate in the stars. I know you’ll take care of me from up there, and I promised you that I’ll take care of mom the long way you’ll be gone.she says. Thank you daddy for being my brave life example. I hope one day I will make you proud as much as I am proud to be your daughter. I love you.“A poignant speech…

Faced with this terrible tragedy, Lou Pernaut knows that she can count on her mother. Nathalie Marquay also comforted, kissed the young woman and her brother Tom during the ceremony. On leaving the basilica, she was also able to count on significant support. Indeed, she was accompanied by her lover the charming Arthur, who held her hand when the hearse moved away.

Since then, the 19-year-old architecture student has been trying to resume some semblance of normal life. Without his father, of course. So Lou Pernaut, who had left the family home to settle alone in Paris, returned to her apartment. On social networks, she explained on Wednesday March 16, 2022, two weeks after the death of her father, to do housework there … However, she intends to honor the promise made to Jean-Pierre Pernaut, namely to take care of her mother. . She is in Paris but is only found in “literally 20 minutes from home [ses] parents“.

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