Death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut: “Everything reminds me of my little dad”, Lou Pernaut comes out of silence

When we left the church, there was so much applause!

The young woman then spoke of the burial of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, which took place the day before: “Yesterday was my dad’s funeral. It makes me super weird to talk to people about it… With my family, we decided to keep the ceremony at the private church (…) but we couldn’t prevent the cameras from being in front of the church, since as some of you say, my father was at your house every day at 1 p.m. for 33 years! My father made you laugh, made you travel. You were his greatest pride. And when we left the church, there was so much applause! It was so much love, I can’t thank you enough.

All the subscribers I’ve had lately, I tell myself that this is the last gift my father left me. That I should be proud of that, and that I shouldn’t let go. So I’m not going to let go, and thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!“, concludes Lou Pernaut, not without emotion.

Lou Pernaut is the third child of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, born of his second marriage with Nathalie Marquay. She has a little brother, Tom (18), and two older half-brothers and sisters, Olivier and Julia, the fruits of Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s first marriage to Dominique Bonnet.

The TF1 13H presenter died at the age of 71, after a series of mini strokes and complications from open heart surgery. The man who had fought against cancers of the prostate then of the lung had been placed in an artificial coma at the European hospital Georges-Pompidou, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.

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