Death of Jean-Marc Vallée | The artistic world is in mourning

From Quebec to Hollywood, the artistic community is in mourning. The praise for the greatness of the filmmaker Jean-Marc Vallée, esteemed for his creative genius and his deep humanity, rocketed on Monday on social networks.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier

Through the rain of tributes, his ex-wife, screenwriter Chantal Cadieux, underlined his sudden departure on Facebook.

“You went to join the stars without warning. You were one of them. You made wonderful films and you gave me 2 sons who are even more wonderful. Rest in peace, Jean-Marc… Heartwarming and unpredictable until the end, ”she wrote.

Among the artists who have rubbed shoulders with him, many personalities have praised his work, including actor Matthew McConaughey. “He saw love stories everywhere,” the Oscar-winning actor testified for his performance in the film. Dallas Buyers Club, critically acclaimed. “With a gentle hand and heart, Jean-Marc was a real receiver – he did not romanticize life so much as he made it romantic – from the fight to pain, from the wink to the whisper. ”

” My heart is broken. My friend. I love you, ”actress Reese Witherspoon wrote soberly, reacting to the sudden death of the director and producer. Their prosperous friendship began in 2014, during the filming of the film. Wild, in which the actress played the main role, and was sealed a few years later on the set of Big Little Lies.


” My heart is broken. My friend. I love you, ”actress Reese Witherspoon wrote on her social networks Monday morning in reaction to the death of filmmaker Jean-Marc Vallée.

Shailene Woodley, her acting partner in the Emmy Award-winning and Golden Globe-winning series, also shared her dismay over the sudden death of her creator.

“I’m in shock, complete and utter shock. My God, death is the worst thing, ”she wrote late Sunday night on Instagram. His tribute was accompanied by an intimate photograph of the filmmaker, recognizable by his arched silhouette and silver hair.

“That doesn’t make sense, man. It does not make sense. Maybe when we wake up tomorrow you’ll be there laughing and saying it was just a satirical short. It is not real. ”


On Instagram, actress Shailene Woodley shared, late Sunday evening, her dismay following the announcement of the death of filmmaker Jean-Marc Vallée.

Actress Laura Dern, who also played a key role in Big Little Lies, for his part deplored the loss “of one of our greatest and pure artists and dreamers. “” We have lost our beloved friend. Our hearts are broken, ”she said on Instagram.

“A cinematic force and a true artist who changed my life with a magnificent film called Dallas Buyers Club. Much love to all who knew him. Life is precious, ”shared Oscar-winning actor Jared Leto for his performance alongside Matthew McConaughey.

The author of the autobiographical story Wild, Cheryl Strayed, with whom Jean-Marc Vallée worked closely as part of his adaptation to the big screen, also praised the director. “He was a soulful artist, an extraordinary filmmaker, a wonderful father to his two wonderful sons, and a precious friend to me and to so many others,” she testified on her social networks.

“What happened to you leaving so early?” ”

In Quebec, his friends and collaborators also took part in the shower of tributes. On Twitter, Tanya Lapointe, the former journalist and wife of Denis Villeneuve, was the messenger of the director of Dune, longtime friend of Jean-Marc Vallée.

“Hey old man, what did you think about leaving so early?” How can I forget the tears of loneliness in my eyes? As you already said to me: Go ahead and shine, diamond of madness! I love you my friend ”, wrote Denis Villeneuve for the director of CRAZY

Patrice Vermette, loyal artistic director of Jean-Marc Vallée for several years, also had nothing but praise for his great accomplice. “Main quality, he is a go-getter, a pit bull. He had this ability to encourage people to surpass themselves. He was also extremely generous. He didn’t keep his success to himself. The notion of sharing was very important to him, as much in the group of friends as in the community, ”he told Press.

Passionate about music, Jean-Marc Vallée always paid particular attention to the soundtracks of his works. For the Montreal pianist Alexandra Streliski, who has dressed musically Dallas Buyers Club, Demolition and the TV series Big Little Lies, revealing to the public his finesse, the director was “his lucky star”.

“He categorically refused that I say it, but it is to him that I owe my career. At least, he certainly was the spark plug, she told Facebook. You left much too early Jean-Marc. But you leave indelible traces in our hearts, our souls and our inspirations. ”

When the actress Geneviève Brouillette met Jean-Marc Vallée on the set of her first feature film, Blacklist, they were still only “kids”. “You were already beautiful like a Hollywood star,” she shared on her social networks in a vibrant tribute.

“You taught me so much. But above all, you gave me the greatest gift an actress can receive. You trusted me, you chose me. A thousand beautiful memories of our friendship come back to me. I am so proud of what you have accomplished. Your work bears a humanity and a sensitivity of immense beauty. ”

Words that echo those of comedian Kevin Parent, who met the filmmaker while filming Café de Flore : “Jean-Marc was a very talented film director. Listen to his films, soak up his courage, his authenticity, his sensitivity as well as his humor and his joie de vivre. He was a close friend. I will miss him very much. ”

“A phenomenal talent”

Broadcaster HBO, which produced the hit series Big Little Lies and Sharp Objects, said he was also upset by the sudden death of Jean-Marc Vallée.

“Jean-Marc Vallée was a brilliant and fiercely dedicated filmmaker, a truly phenomenal talent who infused every scene with a deeply visceral emotional truth. He was also an extremely caring man who fully invested himself alongside each actor he directed, ”the broadcaster said in a statement.

With Marc-André Lussier, The Press

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