Death of Jean-Claude (Love is in the meadow): the tears of Karine le Marchand, the “horror” of farmers

Sunday June 26, 2022, The Cauchois Courier announced the death of Jean-Claude Jolya farmer revealed to the general public in Love is in the meadow, in 2011. The emblematic ex-candidate allegedly killed himself on the night of Friday June 24 to Saturday June 25 and was found hanged in the barn of his farm, in the village of La Frenaye, near Lillebonne. Jean-Claude leaves behind his companion Maudmet on the M6 ​​show, as well as their granddaughter Charlotte, born in 2014.

The news was quickly relayed everywhere and notably reached the ears of Karine Le Marchand. The host of the romantic program then hastened to express herself on Instagram. Through a video where photos of Jean-Claude follow one another, she remembers her good times spent in his company. “RIP my Jean-Claude, I will never forget you“, she annotates on her images. And to add with emotion in the caption: “My Jean-Claude, words fail me, but not my tears. Thank you for giving me so much joy and affection at each of our reunions. You chose to say stop, so rest in peace. My thoughts go out to Maud and your little Charlotte.

Karine Le Marchand’s emotion sparked many reactions, particularly from farmers in Love is in the meadow. In comments to his publication, Mathieu and Alexandre, for example, lamented “the sad world we live in“. Lucile and Jérôme for their part regretted such a “horror“. Our thoughts are with his Maud, his children, and their little Charlotte. How sad…“, also slipped Pierre and Fred. Aude, Carole or even Franck are also part of the candidates of the show to have shared their great sadness.

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