Death of Jean-Claude (Love is in the meadow): the reason for his suicide revealed

Jean-Claude Joly’s life came to an abrupt end. The farmer of Love is in the meadow died at the age of 53. No accident or illness but a terrible acting out. The man was found hanged in the barn of his farm, leaving behind a woman, Maud, met through the show, and a little girl, Charlotte. His disappearance sent shockwaves through the farming community and the L’amour est dans le pré family. Karine Le Marchand was completely overwhelmed: “My Jean-Claude, words fail me, but not my tears. Thank you for giving me so much joy and affection at each of our reunions. You chose to say stop, so rest in peace.”

It remains to know the reasons which pushed Jean-Claude to commit such a gesture. Here reveals that the farmer “was financially suffocated and could no longer support his family.“A relative said more:”Once all her expenses had been paid, she only had 100 euros left per month to support her family. He fought for years to keep his head above water but he couldn’t make it, he was exhausted.

His entourage was very far from imagining such an inextricable situation for Jean-Claude, he of whom everyone paints the portrait of a man “joyful” and “like everyone“: “He laughed, had a kind word, always the joke. In the end, we didn’t even think about this reality TV story anymore. Even if the farmers are rather silent and he had that side too, he did not pour out his problems.“If the financial problems are therefore at the origin of the suicide of Jean-Claude, other hypotheses had been mentioned in particular the problems of the couple with Maud.

Couple problems with Maud?

In 2016, Jean-Claude Joly was convicted of domestic violence. At the time, Maud had filed a complaint, claiming to have been kicked by her man before he pushed her and caused her to fall. He was also being prosecuted for “having assaulted the 15-year-old son of his partner, grabbing him strongly by the wrist.” Sentenced to “sixty-day fine of five euros“, the former candidate of Love is in the meadow had always denied the acts of violence: “There was an argument but I didn’t type it. Arguing and being violent are different.“Things were finally back to normal, until that sad night…

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