Death of Jean-Claude (Love is in the meadow): the causes of suicide remain unclear, his neighbors testify

The sad news has upset the whole of France, and more particularly the inhabitants of La Frénaye, a town of around 2,000 people located in Seine-Maritime and where Jean Claude Joly. With our colleagues from Parisianthey are several of his ex-neighbors to speak after the announcement of the death of the farmer seen in Love is in the meadow (season 6, in 2011), found hanged in the barn of his farm on the night of Friday June 24 to Saturday June 25, 2022.

His death was anything but predictable. It must be said that Jean-Claude Joly gave the image of a happy man, without problems and “like everyone“.”He laughed, had a kind word, always the joke. In the end, we didn’t even think about this reality TV story anymore. Even if the farmers are rather silent and he had that side too, he did not pour out his problems“, confides the manager of the bar of Val-des-Francs, one of the meeting points of the inhabitants. For his part, Eric Langlois, a retired postman, remembers a Jean-Claude Jolygood guy, very nice, on TV as in life but “who also did not hesitate to say it when he did not agree“. He who followed him on the air of M6 then discovered him in the city remains surprised by his death, which pained Karine Le Marchand: “But this suicide, I really did not expect it. In agriculture, there is the one who eats others, who gets by, and the one who is eaten. Maybe that’s it, maybe it’s something else. We do not know.

Precisely, the reasons for the disappearance of Jean-Claude Joly – who had reappeared in the newspapers in 2016 when he was convicted of domestic violence after kicking his partner – remain mysterious. He hadn’t, it seems, expressed any discomfort to anyone. A couple of neighbors who passed him from time to time do not wish to make assumptions, “not to talk nonsense, because we don’t know anything about it“. However, they take the trouble to evoke the hard daily life of farmers: “Going to find a soul mate with our lifestyles is not easy. Breeders must feed their animals morning and evening, unlike grain farmers. We got no room for privacy.“For their part, they have not taken a vacation this year and”it is sometimes difficult“…”But of course, we don’t say that’s why he committed suicide“, they want to qualify. The mystery therefore remains intact.

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