Death of George Floyd | Accused ex-policeman cites lack of experience

(Saint Paul) A police officer, who helped ground George Floyd throughout his agony, defended himself for the first time this week, citing his lack of experience and the ascendancy wielded by Officer Derek Chauvin, “in control” during the arrest.

Posted at 1:58 p.m.

Alexander Kueng, 28, has been testifying since Wednesday in federal court in Saint Paul, in the northern United States, where he is on trial with two former colleagues for his role in this drama.

He is accused of not having intervened, on May 25, 2020, to prevent his colleague Derek Chauvin from asphyxiating the black man in his forties and of not having provided him with treatment despite the apparent signs of medical distress.

At the helm, this young Métis man insisted on his lack of experience and on the authority of Derek Chauvin, who is serving a 22 and a half year prison sentence for this murder at the heart of giant demonstrations against racism.

Alexander Kueng recalled that he was recruited in January 2020 by the Minneapolis police and remained an intern for almost five months, half of which spent under the supervision of Derek Chauvin. “He was respected”, “the other officers listened to him”, he told the jurors.

On the day of the tragedy, he was on his third patrol as a sworn agent, in pairs with another beginner, Thomas Lane. “As we were new, we were put together because nobody wanted to work with us,” he said.

Called by a trader who suspected George Floyd of having sold a counterfeit note, the duo had failed to arrest this man of imposing stature and erratic behavior.

When Derek Chauvin arrived as reinforcements with another police officer, Alexander Kueng thought he was “doing something wrong” and let him take control of the situation. “It is always the most experienced agent who is in charge,” he assured.

The agents then tackled the African-American to the ground, handcuffed. Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck, Alexander Kueng was positioned on his lower back, Thomas Lane blocked his legs, while the fourth policeman, Tou Thao, held passers-by at a distance.

They stayed like that for nearly ten minutes despite George Floyd gasping, fainting, and Alexander Kueng failing to find his pulse.

Thomas Lane had suggested turning George Floyd on the flank, but had not obtained an answer from Derek Chauvin.

Alexander Kueng admitted not having questioned this decision. “He was my superior and I trusted his advice,” he said again.

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