Death of Federico Martin Aramburu: revelations about an assassination in 3 acts

It was to be a weekend of feasting and celebration and within moments the life of Federico Martin Aramburu Rocking. The 42-year-old former rugby player, who passed through Biarritz or Perpignan, had gone to Paris to attend the superb match between the France team and England. The evening before the meeting, he partied with a good friend of his, Shaun Hegarty, the two men going to Parisian bars to have a good time. A drama for the moment rather vague, but an article in the Journal du Dimanche gives details on this evening where everything changed.

A drama that would have happened in three major acts according to our colleagues. It is very late at night when Federico Martin Aramburu and his friend go to Mabillon, a brasserie located in the sixth arrondissement of Paris. The two men eat a burger to regain strength after a long night and in anticipation of the next day. A few tables further, Loik Le Priol, Romain Bouvier and Lyson Rochemir, Loïk’s girlfriend, are also installed at the brewery. The first act comes aftera homeless man came to ask for a cigarette to the two men from far-right movements.

We are at home. We do what we want. You don’t have to tell us what to do

Terms like “sub-men” are employed by the prime suspects in this case to deny the SDF’s request. An attitude that shocks the two former rugby players, who then challenge Loïk Le Priol and his friends to ask them for a little more respect. Originally from Argentina, Federico Martin Aramburu has an accent when he speaks French, just like his friend Shaun Hegarty, originally from Ireland and this does not seem to please the former members of the GUD (Groupe Union Défense). “We are at home. We do what we want. You don’t have to tell us what to do”launches Le Priol to the two men, who decide not to reply.

When leaving the scene, Federico Martin Aramburu pulls the hood of Loïk Le Priol and imbalance, which puts him in a state of intense rage, as confirmed by a witness to the scene recently. Act 2 is played at this moment when a violent fight breaks out between the two groups. The two rugby players decide to take the blows rather than fight back. The Mabillon security service intervenes about 1 minute later.

A real ‘manhunt’ in the streets of Paris

The third act takes place about 5 minutes after this altercation, as explained by the JDD. Federico Martin Aramburu and his friend decide to go back to their hotel, but they stop first at Welcome, another hotel, to treat their wounds. On the other side, the three suspects separated to try to find them in what looks like “a manhunt”, as the newspaper indicates. It was Romain Bouvier and Lyson Rochemir, aboard a Jeep, who found the two men first. This one goes shoot the Argentinian four times before fleeing on his side.

Loïk Le Priol arrives on site and the events are still not clear to determine what really happened at that time, but the surveillance cameras of the shops could shed some light. Loïk Le Priol is said to have fired six times at Federico Martin Aramburu, who succumbed to his injuries. Since then, the three main suspects have all been arrested despite their flight. Priol was found in Hungary and Bouvier in Sarthe. They have been charged and are now awaiting trial.

Loïk Le Priol, Romain Bouvier and Lyson Rochemir remain presumed innocent until the final judgment of this case.

Find the article in the Journal du Dimanche on their website.

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