Death of Elizabeth II: Violent arrest around her coffin, the video outrages the royal family

After more than 70 years on the throne of England, the reign of Elizabeth II came to an end on Thursday, September 8, 2022. A sad event that few people expected to see happen so quickly. It must be said that two days before, the queen was photographed all smiles with the new Prime Minister Liz Truss at Balmoral Castle, her summer residence. His son, Prince Charles, then became king. In full mourning, Charles III, as he will henceforth be called, had to carry out his duties as Sovereign during a journey of several days across the United Kingdom to meet his subjects, between two tributes to his late mother.

This Friday, September 16, Charles III, his brothers, princes Edward and Andrew as well as his sister, princess Anne, in military uniform, carried out a vigil around the coffin of their mother. A solemn moment which, within a few minutes, could have been spoiled by an unexpected event.

While the crowd continues to flock to London to greet the Sovereign, an incident took place in the evening. A man in the queue managed to get out and rushed towards the coffin which he would have managed to touch: “At around 10 p.m. on Friday September 16, officers arrested a man in Westminster Hall following a disturbance. A member of the public got out of the queue and walked towards the catafalque“A palace spokesperson told British media. A video of the incident was posted on social media.

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