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With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, a whole process is taking place before the funeral. The body will be exhibited in Edinburgh (Scotland) before heading to London (England) for the ceremony.
And now ? With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Thursday, September 8, the United Kingdom did not remain long without responsibility. As soon as the sovereign’s death was announced, Prince Charles became roh of England as Charles III. And a whole process takes place before the funeral. First of all, “His body will be laid on display at his Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh”reports journalist Maëlys Septemberduplex of the castle of Balmoral, Scotland, for the 20 Hours of France 2. The coffin will then be transported down the Royal Mile, Edinburgh’s main thoroughfare to the Saint-Gilles cathedral for a religious ceremony.
Next, there will be two possibilities. the coffin could for example make the trip to London (England) making stops along the way so that the British can pay their last respects to the queen. The second possibility is that the coffin that is airlifted and then displayed in Westminster for 5 days before the funeral, which is due to take place between the eighth and twelfth day after death.