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Many Scots pay tribute to Elizabeth II, but their support for the monarchy is fragile. Part of the population wants Scottish independence. The death of the queen seems to revive the debate.
Monday, September 12 afternoon, just 1 km from St. Giles Cathedral, located in Edinburgh (Scotland)figure the other Scotland: the one who does not participate in the tributes to Queen Elizabeth II. Supporters of independence met feel even less concerned by the crown and the unity of the kingdom since the proclamation of Charles III. “People are not going to love the monarchy so much anymore”says a young woman. “For me, it’s just a well-born family, heirs. We did not choose, there is nothing democratic about it”says another Scottish woman.
“Charles, savior of the union or last king of Scotland?”, asks a daily. The first one Scottish Minister Nicola Sturgeon, present at the passage of the Queen’s coffin, promises a referendum in October 2023. Before the change of monarch, the two camps were neck and neck. “I don’t think it’s going to make a big difference. The monarchy is no longer a key issue in Scotland as it was 40 years ago”believes Michael KeatingEmeritus Professor at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). For those commemorating the Queen, some even believe that unity will be strengthened through mourning.