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A procession will take place in central London to carry the Queen’s coffin on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 14, from Buckingham Palace to Westminster. The British will be able to meditate in front of the remains of the queen until Monday morning.
The banks of the Thames, in London (United Kingdom), are transformed into an open-air altar, Wednesday September 14. Thousands of Britons spent the night there in an attempt to view the Queen’s coffin. “I am number 105, my friend 106. We are really well placed”, rejoices a woman. Despite Spartan conditions, some Britons insisted on being stylish. “It may be a bit old-fashioned, but I wanted to dress well for the Queen. It’s a matter of respect”says a man.
750,000 people are expected at the coffin in Westminster Hall. The queue could follow the Thames for eight kilometers. On Tuesday evening, thousands of people gathered outside Buckingham Palace, despite the rain, to see the Queen’s final return to her palace. It is under the applause and the lights of the telephones that the coffin, covered with the royal standard, crossed the gate.