Death of Elizabeth II: London in full preparation for the funeral of the sovereign



Article written by

A. Bouleis, S. Perez, N. Auer, E. Lagarde, C. Cormery, L. Lavieille – France 2

France Televisions

On Tuesday September 13, the coffin of the late sovereign Elizabeth II will be transferred by plane from Edinburgh to the capital and Buckingham Palace. With millions of visitors expected, preparations have already begun in London.

“After the coffin of Elizabeth II arrived by plane on Tuesday [13 septembre], he will be transported to the Palace of Westminster (London, United Kingdom) on Wednesday by a horse escort. He will stay there for five days, during which the public will be able to come to meditate 23 hours a day., explains Ambroise Bouleis, live from Buckingham Palace, London (United Kingdom). The funeral will be held on Monday, September 19, where millions of people are expected.

All eyes will soon be on Westminster Abbey, located in London. Queen Elizabeth married her husband Philip here in 1947 and it is therefore where her state funeral will take place in eight days. Preparations have already started. Dozens of heads of state and crowned heads are expected as well as thousands of people for four days, until the morning of the funeral. The event is the largest security operation ever organized in the country.

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