Death of Elizabeth II: Charles III lived his first day of reign


France 3

Article written by

J. Debraux, M. Boisseau, S. Guibout, O. Sauvayre – France 3

France Televisions

After the death of his mother, Thursday September 8, Charles III became king. He had a busy first day, which he started in Scotland, at the castle of Balmoral, and finished in London, at Buckingham Palace.

Appreciated by the crowd, the brand new King Charles III and his wife Queen Consort Camilla arrive at Buckingham Palace. “God Save tea King “, even chants the public, surprised and seduced by this improvised walkabout. Far from his austere image, that of an eternal second, the king indulges in a few hugs. The sovereign greets his people, before returning to Buckingham His day had started at the castle of Balmoral (Scotland). After a night watching over the remains of his mother Elizabeth II, he leaves Scotland, for the first time in the costume of a king.

When he arrives in London, he crosses the city in a black outfit for the occasion. Once in Buckingham, he meets the First minister Liz Truss, who will have greeted two monarchs in four days, unheard of. In the early evening, Charles III speaks. “As the Queen has done so well with service and devotion, I in turn solemnly pledge, as long as God lends me life, to serve the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation”, he notably proclaimed. William, Prince of Wales, is now heir to the crown.

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