Death of Elizabeth II: adorable reaction of Prince Louis who moved Kate, the British softened in full mourning

Smiling and all dressed in black, the new Princess of Wales, who was making her first official outing after the word of Elizabeth II, did not give more details on her children and in particular on her elders, George (9 years old) and Charlotte (7 years old), who also had to be very sad and manage this ordeal a few days after their return to school at a new school. The two children should however be present for the funeral of their great-grandmother, they who participate in many official events now. On the other hand, the young Louis, very restless, could stay at home with his nurse.

If nothing has been formalized, the British who had made the trip to Windsor Castle were able to ask all the questions they wanted … to the members of the royal family themselves: around 7 p.m., Prince William, his wife Kate but also his brother Prince Harry and his sister-in-law Meghan Markle made a surprise appearance in public.

All four went to the flowers placed for several days at the foot of the gates of the castle to admire the bouquets and read the little notes that were there, as their cousins ​​had done in Balmoral in the afternoon. They then walked up the long driveway to speak to the public, before rushing into the same car. An unexpected release for their fans, who have known them cold for several months, and who have seen them exchange around flowers. Reconciliation in sight?

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