Death of Daniel Lévi: “He did not have the success he deserved”, the regrets of a famous singer…

The latest news from Daniel Lévi given by his wife Sandrine Aboukrat foreshadowed the worst. The worst eventually happened. This Saturday August 6, after long years of battle against colon cancer which he had spoken about for the first time in 2019. Despite a new treatment protocol started in recent weeks, Daniel Lévy died at the age of 60. year. A shock for all fans and artists who crossed his path.

Tributes have multiplied on social networks. Among them, that of Pascal Obispo in particular, at the origin of the creation of the musical The ten Commandments in which Daniel Lévi held the role of Moses and had sung The desire to love, a title that had launched his career. Having become an essential hit, the song had allowed Daniel Lévi to make known all his talent and the power of his voice. An organ that he has not exploited enough according to Catherine Lara.

In the pages of Le Parisien the interpreter of magic night recalled their first meeting in a Bastille bar in Paris in 1990: “I was at the table, having dinner and I hear this guy singing. A mind-blowing, unheard-of, unique voice. I said to him: What the hell are you doing here? Come with me, I’ll take you! I suggested that he take part in the Sand and the Romantics project, and he became Alfred de Musset on stage. And every time he sang, I had tears in my eyes.” Catherine Lara introduced him to people and opened the doors to the stage and success.

If Daniel Lévy was more than happy with his glory in France, according to Catherine Lara, he deserved much more: “Daniel didn’t get the success he deserved. France is a literary country, not a country of musicians, we don’t have the ear, she indicates. In the United States, with his voice, he would have been a hit like crazy. He could have sung me the phone book, I would have had chills. For me, it’s one of the most beautiful voices in the world. Like a Sinatra, a Stevie Wonder. He had immense sensitivity and he sang with his heart, like no one else.“An observation that she is not the only one to share.

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