Death of Daniel Lévi at 60: the singer had just become a dad for the 4th time

Terrible news that the death of Daniel Lévi. The popular but discreet singer died on Saturday August 6, 2022. He was 60 years old. He leaves behind four children, including a little girl, born in July 2022 from his new love affair with his wife Sandrine.

On July 15, Daniel Lévi was a little tired and his voice damaged by his fight against colon cancer, discovered in 2019, who gave his news on Instagram. And the interpreter of the tube The desire to love, who lost up to 20 kilos due to medical treatments, took the opportunity to make a big announcement! “Hi there. I wanted to give you some little news… reassuring. And even beyond that. I wanted to thank you for your support, your encouragement, it’s true that these last few weeks have been a bit complicated for me. But I am being treated. And I’m even happy to announce that I’m the father of a little girl since this morning. Lovely. His mother is doing well. The baby is doing well (…) I am extremely grateful to providence, the sky that rules this world and works miracles“, he said then.

This was his first child with his new wife, Sandrine Aboukrat, production manager with whom he married in 2019. Unfortunately, Daniel Lévi will not see his little girl grow up, he whose health had suddenly deteriorated. a few weeks later … On Instagram, his wife had called for prayers for his healing and had also indicated that he was following a new treatment protocol.

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