Death of Coolio: Michelle Pfeiffer “broken heart”, tribute against the backdrop of Gangsta’s Paradise

On Wednesday September 28, the world learned of the disappearance of the famous American rapper Coolio, who died suddenly at the age of 59 in Los Angeles. Sad news reported by Jarez Posey, his longtime friend and manager. According to TMZ, a site specializing in celebrity coverage, he was found unconscious in a friend’s bathroom on Wednesday afternoon. The relief had considered the hypothesis of a heart attack but no official cause of death was communicated by the relatives of the artist.

Be that as it may, this disappearance greatly saddened her fans, in particular actress Michelle Pfeiffer, her partner in the clip of her legendary hit. Gangsta’s Paradise (1995).I am heartbroken to learn of the passing of the talented Coolio.” she began her tribute, she who is also known for her roles in Batman: The Challenge, Dangerous Liaisons and scarface.As some of you may know, I had the good fortune to work with him on rebel spirits. He won a Grammy Award for his brilliant song, which I think was the reason our movie was so successful.” Claudia’s mom continued.

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