Death of Charlotte Valandrey: revelations about the causes of her death and her funeral

This is terrible news that has just hit the world of television. Charlotte Valandrey died on July 13, 2022 at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. The actress, until now aged 53, had been facing health problems since her adolescence.

She was first diagnosed with HIV when she was 17 years old. Weakened by her HIV treatment, the actress in the series tomorrow belongs to us suffered two heart attacks. In 2003, she underwent her first heart transplant. “Much more than HIV, from which I have never directly suffered, the heart transplant marked my body and turned my life upside down.“, she wrote in particular in 2011 in her book Of unknown heart.

Last March, she explained that she had more and more difficulty swallowing her pills. “So far it hasn’t bothered me. I swallowed them all at once. For some time, I can’t stand it anymore. It’s like a rejection. It doesn’t happen anymore. I have to swallow them six times, and again with difficulty. I think it corresponds to being fed up, I can’t take it anymore“, she had thus declared in the columns Gala last March.

“I will never forget him”

Even more recently, last June, she announced on her social networks that she was again hospitalized while waiting for a new heart. “My heart has come to an end so I’m waiting for the one who will be my third heart“, she had indicated on her Instagram account, before giving news of her operation a few days later. “That’s wonderful. Thank you for all your prayers. They heard you. I will never forget him“, she had explained.

But this umpteenth operation will have finally got the better of the actress. On the official Instagram account of the actress, we learn that she “third heart did not survive“Since the operation, she had been in an induced coma to escape pain and complications.”A few days ago, she briefly left to express her exhaustion and the imperious wish to join Anne-Marie, her deceased mother.“, can we read.

She leaves behind her loved ones including her father Jean-Pierre, her tara daughter – born of her relationship with Arthur Lecaisne – as well as her old friend and agent Dominique Besnehard, who will have been there for her until the end. She will be buried privately in Pléneuf-Val André (Commune of Côtes d’Armor which had been her source of inspiration to find her artist name), “not far from the immense beach of his childhood holidays“, reports AFP.

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