Death of Charlotte Valandrey: Her farewell words to her daughter Tara revealed, a moving poem

The television world is in mourning. On July 13, 2022, Charlotte Valandrey took her last breath at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, after being in an artificial coma for a month “to escape pain and complications“following his new heart transplant performed on June 14. The same day, on his Instagram account, his farewell words to his daughter Tara (22 years old, fruit of his former union with Arthur Lecaisne) were revealed on Instagram.

It is a poem, baptized don’t forget to love me, written by Charlotte Valandrey that Internet users were able to discover in the evening. “Tara. A deity whispered your name, land of Scarlette O’Hara, mother of all Buddhas. In the new millennium, you fell from the sky. In 2000, I was a mother, you gave me back my life. May these words forever fill our silences. Let them tell your soul what I don’t know how to tell you. May they hug you like your words hugged me this morning. ‘The best of mothers’. The most beautiful of children. Soon you will be grown up my daughter, my reward. I believe in you my dream in immense hope. Always around you, around your neck, by your hands. I’ll be laughing, in a field, never far away, In the night under the rain or by a bright sun, Call me my Louloute, I’m not sleeping, I’m awake, Love as I love you, my angel, my paradise“, wrote the former star of tomorrow belongs to us. A moving message signed “mom“.

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