Death of Charlotte Valandrey: after her heartbreaking funeral, her daughter Tara makes a big announcement

From beating, his heart stopped. On July 13, 2022, actress Charlotte Valandrey died at the age of 53, after a second heart transplant, a last-ditch operation performed when she was facing new health problems. Her disappearance has put her career as an actress back in the spotlight in films like Red kiss or in the series Les Cordier, judge and cop and Tomorrow belongs to us, but also her fight against AIDS, she who was declared HIV-positive at 18 years old. A public tribute will be dedicated to him on October 6, 2022 in Paris, announced his daughter Tara and all his family.

Buried in Pléneuf-Val-André in the Côtes-d’Armor a few days after her disappearance, on July 19, Charlotte Valandrey died at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. His daughter Tara, born from his marriage to Arthur Lecaisne in 1999, as well as his whole family have decided to organize a religious tribute to him on Thursday October 6, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the Church of Saint François-Xavier in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. An important mention is made in this announcement, the possibility of “make a donation for the French Federation of Cardiology at the entrance of the church where a tribute book will be offered“.

Tara, 22, has always been discreet in the media. Rare are the times when mother and daughter are displayed together. Tara’s last public appearance dates back to 2013 during a medal presentation at the Ministry of Culture. On Instagram, we could discover some intimate attentions and in particular a final moving poem that the artist had addressed to his daughter: “In 2000, I was a mother, you gave me back my life. May these words forever fill our silences. Let them tell your soul what I don’t know how to tell you. May they hug you like your words hugged me this morning. ‘The best of mothers’. The most beautiful of children. […] I will be in a laugh, in a field, never far away. At night in the rain or in bright sunshine. Call me my Louloute, I don’t sleep, I watch. Love as I love you my angel, my paradise. Mom.”

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