Death of Charlbi Dean at 32: revelations about the probable cause of his death, which occurred in a few hours

A lung infection?

Died suddenly in a hospital in New York, the cause of death of the actress is currently unknown. Many rumors about it have surfaced in recent hours, including a theory that Charlbi Dean succumbed to the effects of the Covid vaccine. From the magazine RollingStonehis 21-year-old brother Alex Jacobs rebelled against this rumor that he judges “ridiculous” and “extremely naive”.

He took the opportunity to reveal a little more about the circumstances in which his sister died and the possible cause of her death, pending the results of the autopsy. In particular, he stated that she would have felt “minor symptoms” painful enough for her to go to the emergency room, while she was in the company of her fiancé. “It happened literally in the space of a day: having a headache, falling asleep, waking up her boyfriend and saying: ‘Please take me to the hospital,'” her brother revealed. She eventually died just hours after being taken to hospital.

According to his brother, a “viral infection in the lungs” could be the main cause of this death. Because following a serious road accident in 2009, Charlbi Dean had her spleen removed, an essential organ to counter infections. The autopsy should not take long to arrive and the truth about this death will finally be known. To be continued…

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