Death of Chadwick Boseman: no will found, the unexpected decision of his widow concerning the inheritance

Just two years ago, on August 28, 2020, Chadwick Boseman, unforgettable T’Challa in Black Panther, died of colon cancer at the age of 43. He left behind his parents Leroy and Carolyn, his brothers Kevin and Derrick and his wife Taylor Simone Ledward, with whom he had been in a relationship since 2015 even before his illness was diagnosed. She paid him a vibrant tribute at the Gotham Awards in January 2021. The actor was awarded posthumously. “He (Chadwick Boseman) was able to give himself fully in every moment, to be totally present in his own life and in the lives of people”, she said before adding: “He was blessed to live many lifetimes in one…He mastered the power of letting go and letting God operate. He realized that those who recognized that their strength didn’t come from themselves rarely messed up ( …) Chad, thank you. I love you. I’m very proud of you.”

A distribution of funds between the widow and parents of Chadwick Boseman

While his widow Taylor and Chadwick Boseman’s parents, Leroy and Carolyn share his estimated inheritance of 2.3 million dollars (2 million euros), no will has been found since the death of the actor. According to the website Shadow and Act , the wife of Chadwick Boseman, who took over from her husband, asked the court to split the funds equally between her and her in-laws. She even filed numerous accounting documents which list all the residues collected since the death of her spouse.

Moreover, speaking of inheritance, according to our colleagues fromAllocinatedChadwick Boseman, thanks to his role in Black Pantherwill receive an honorary award reserved for those who have contributed to the Disney legacy during the D3 Expo in September. He thus succeeds Stan Lee, Robert Downey Jr and Jon Favreau who received the prize in 2017 and 2019 respectively. Two years after his death, Chadwick Boseman continues to cause a sensation!

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