Death of Antoine Alléno: The driver who killed the chief’s son, indicted

At only 24 years old, Antoine Alléno lost his life on Sunday May 8, 2022, after being fatally hit by a driver in the streets of the 7th arrondissement of Paris. After a short hit-and-run attempt, the man in question was caught by a police commissioner who was not on duty at the time and was immediately taken into custody. He has since been brought before a judge.

As reported by AFP, after confirmation from the Paris prosecutor’s office, on Wednesday May 11, the driver in question – Francky D. – was to be presented to an investigating judge after the opening of a judicial investigation for homicide and aggravated involuntary injuries (the suspect being in a state of intoxication and having driven despite a canceled driving licence), damage, intentional violence, theft and hit and run. Referred Tuesday evening to the Paris court at the end of his police custody, he was finally indicted for homicide and involuntary injuries reveals The Parisian. the prosecution and the investigating judge requested his placement in pre-trial detention.

The accused, also only 24 years old, was questioned at length by the police while in police custody, but he was totally drunk and assured that he had no memory of the accident. He also allegedly took narcotics. Francky D. is already known to the police for several offenses, including traffic offenses but also a case of violence.

As a reminder, Antoine Alléno – at the head of the restaurant Father and Son Burger launched last year with his father Yannick – was riding a scooter when he was hit at a red light on Sunday around 11:00 p.m. by a driver who had just “steal a luxury vehicle“, according to a police source. He died on the spot; his death was first announced to his brother Thomas. A passenger who was on the scooter and a VTC driver were also struck, said the same source. Suffering of “multiple bruises“, they were transported to the hospital, their vital prognosis not being engaged.

The funeral of Antoine Alléno will be held on May 13 in the collegiate church of Poissy.

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