Death of Antoine Alléno: The driver had a heavy criminal record, revelations about his busy past

It’s a real drama in the world of cooking: the young chef Antoine Alléno, son of the legend Yannick Alléno, died on May 8 at just 24 years old. When he had just closed his restaurant and was accompanying his colleague on a scooter, the young man was hit head-on by a man of the same age, driving a car he had just stolen from a restaurant. luxury, a few minutes earlier.

The man, who escaped unscathed, was arrested very alcoholic just after the tragedy. Refusing to submit to a check, he was taken to the police station, where the officers discovered that in addition to a very high blood alcohol level (about two grams), the man, in connection with the community of travelers and originally from Val d’Oise, this was not his first offence.

Indeed, in just a few years, he had been cited in numerous cases of intentional violence, aggravated theft or in a meeting, concealment in an organized gang, vehicle theft, and even unauthorized carrying of a weapon. Too many crimes, which resulted in a suspended prison sentence in 2015, when he was only 18, then 3 months in prison in 2018, for traffic offences.

Sentences he did not serve: as he did not respond to numerous summonses from the police, he was never imprisoned. An incomprehensible situation for a police officer interviewed by the magazine Paris Match. “The magistrates have not expedited any action“, he commented. “No agent went knocking at the address recorded in our files“.

Rachida Dati, present at the funeral as a friend of the Alléno family, did not fail to share with journalists her anger at this tragedy which, according to her, could have been avoided. “Antoine Alléno should never have died. That driver should have been in jail. Another tragedy of impunity. It’s a failure of the state“, she said.

The devastated victim’s father swore he “would never let go” the murderer of his son and would like to set up an association for the victims of repeat offenders. He also hoped that this tragedy would make it possible to change things for more severe sentences.

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