Death of Antoine Alléno: The driver accused of his death was “so drunk” on the evening of the tragedy

too drunk“to explain? In any case, this is what the driver accused of having killed one person (the young Antoine Alléno, 24 years old) and two injured in an accident this Sunday evening May 8, 2022 in Paris claims. A 24-year-old man from Val d’Oise who had just stolen the Audi responsible for the tragedy, had been stopped on foot a few minutes after the collision, by a superintendent present by chance.

After refusing an alcohol test, according to information from the Parisian, he had been taken to the hospital for a blood sample, which came back positive for the drink but also for narcotics. In police custody since the tragedy, he gave no explanation for his terrible gesture, arguing that he was “too drunk‘ and didn’t remember anything.

According to a police source, entrusted to the Parisianthis young man known to the police for minor offenses and a case of violence was not “a big name in banditry, rather a petty delinquent without scale“. However, it was he who, this Sunday evening, presented himself in front of a very chic restaurant at 7th district of Paris, by presenting a ticket to the valet to recover this famous Audi.

Problem, it was not his but a Monegasque present in the restaurant, from whom he stole the voucher! The valet did not realize this and gave him the vehicle. A few minutes later, driving at high speed, he tried to come between a taxi and a scooter at a red light but hit them both. Antoine Alléno, driver of the two-wheeler, died instantly, his passenger was seriously injured.

A real drama that provoked many reactions in the world of cooking. Many chefs have paid tribute to the young man. His brother Thomas, also a chef and devastated, posted a magnificent text to him on Instagram: “My brother… My love… My double… My life… I will miss you very much. Words fail me to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you, of the man you were… You leave a huge void behind you, I love you so much“, he wrote in the caption of a photo of them.

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