Death of Antoine Alléno: Heartbreaking tribute from his father Yannick Alléno, the day before the funeral

Distraught by the death of this young boy who nevertheless had his life ahead of him, many Internet users wanted to express their sadness and their support for Chef Alléno. “Tender thoughts to Antoine and courage and strength for you and your family“, “With all my heart with you in this terrible ordeal.“, “All our condolences“, “We will never forget it“, “Sincere condolences Yannick“, “All my thoughts dear Yannick“, “How sad. All my condolences boss“, “Wholeheartedly with you“, “All my condolences chief he will remain in our hearts“, “All my sweetest thoughts in this unbreathable pain. A benevolent and loving world is thinking of you. Very strong.” can we read in the comments.

As a reminder, Antoine Alléno was mowed down on Sunday around 11 p.m. by a car while he was stopped at a red light on his scooter, in rue du Bosquet in Paris, in the 7th arrondissement. He was carrying a young woman. Suddenly, a driver driving a stolen car tumbled at high speed and hit the young man very violently. Antoine died on the spot while his passenger was taken to hospital. His vital prognosis is not engaged. The driver, a 25-year-old man, tried to flee on foot. This one came from “steal a luxury vehicle“, according to a police source.

He was quickly arrested by a plainclothes policeman who witnessed the fatal accident. After being transported to the hospital, it turned out that the driver had consumed alcohol and narcotics. Placed in police custody, he explained that “not remember” of what had just happened. Wednesday, May 11, The Parisian revealed that Francky D., the author of the accident, was placed in examination for “manslaughter and manslaughter“. Francky D. was already known to the police, for various traffic offenses and a case of violence. Also, his driving license was canceled.

The funeral of Antoine Alléno will take place this Friday, May 13, at 3 p.m., “in the collegiate church of Poissy“It is possible that Brigitte Macron will make the trip.

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